
Data Centers - Load profile

Use and specific requirements for Data Centers and Server Rooms

» Electrical consumption dedicated to air-cooling is high and expensive
» The load profile is quite flat with only a slight variation due to the external environment.
» Data centers are usually equipped with redundant chillers to improve their reliability.


Benefits yielded by Cryogel cold storage technologies for such installations

» Ice storage is charged during off-peaks hours and is discharged during peak-hours
» The redundant chillers are used for charging the Ice Storage thus limiting investment
» Electricity costs are optimized
» The cooling capacity stored is available immediately and can be used as cold backup when the chillers are stopped
» Ice storage uses 4 to 5 times less space than chilled water storage
» Once loaded, the stock requires very little energy to be maintained
» The tanks can be installed anywhere and have any shape.


How does it apply to your own installation ?

Base assumptions:
» A typical Data Center requires 2kW of cooling per m2
» Off-peak hours last 14 hours a day
» The ice storage is performed with the Cryogel “Ice Spray system”


You can use the sheet below for a first-cut simulation based on these assumptions :

Under development

You have specific requirements differing from these first assumptions ? Please contact us for a more detailed and custom analysis.
Cryogel, 52 bis Boulevard Richard Lenoir, 75011 Paris, France – – +33 1 47 00 85 81